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Mosque-Based Madrasa

Under the initiative of Tahzib Foundation, free mosque-based madrasas are being run in rural and underserved remote areas to provide religious education to children. Several such madrasas are currently being operated….
With the slogan “Interest is Forbidden, Qard-e-Hasanah is the Solution,” interest-free loans or Qard-e-Hasanah programs are being conducted. Under this project, interest-free loans are provided to those in need and the underprivileged for a specified period.
According to unofficial sources, there are approximately 1.5 million orphans in Bangladesh, many of whom are far from receiving education and basic needs. The importance and numerous virtues of caring for orphans are ….
Pure water is provided by installing wells for mosques, madrasas, schools, service centers, and impoverished families. Many poor families in rural areas suffer due to a lack of access to clean water….
Many poor families only have the opportunity to eat meat once a year. In anticipation of Eid al-Adha, we arrange Qurbani for impoverished families in remote areas on behalf of those who can afford it.
Zakat is a crucial pillar of Islam. It is obligatory for those who are able to give 2.5% of their business goods and surplus wealth annually as zakat. In the wealth of the rich, Almighty Allah has designated ….
General donations are one of the driving forces behind Tahzib Foundation. Under this fund, we manage a variety of projects related to education, service, research, and Dawah. If there is no specific allocation, …
Many people prefer to give a fixed amount in charity each month. Donors’ monthly contributions are a major source of income for Tahzib Foundation. From these monthly donations, Tahzib Foundation covers ….
In times of natural disasters such as floods, cyclones, inundation, earthquakes, etc., across various regions of the country, we make every effort to provide immediate assistance and distribute ….